
The Hidden Secret Behind Learning How to Enjoy Life

25 Tips for Enjoying Life

How to Enjoy Life

Learning how to enjoy life is one of those secrets that most people never figure out. It’s much too easy to get overwhelmed by adulting and everything that comes with it.

Having a career is stressful, and it depletes you of time and energy that you never seem to get back. And raising a family—well—that can feel the exact same way at times. The problem is that you never feel like you have any time to yourself so that you can actually unwind for once. And the days go by in a predictable blur one after the other. So you’re lacking any real excitement in your life too.

But life doesn’t have to be that way. Some people genuinely enjoy their lives and everything that comes with it.

So what’s this big hidden secret that they’ve all figured out and you can’t seem to grasp? The answer may be simpler than you think.

The only way to enjoy life is to make the decision to do so. When you commit to enjoying your life no matter what comes along your way, you’ll start seeing all of the wonderful blessings you already have and stop worrying about all of the little annoyances that distract you from that happiness.

It’s never too late to learn how to enjoy life no matter what phase of life you’re in. All you have to do is make the decision to do so and stick to it.

Tips for Enjoying Life

I’m sharing these 25 tips for enjoying life so that you can find true happiness too. Don’t waste another day! Let’s get started.

1. Decide to Enjoy Your Life

It may sound like a simple concept, but you make decisions every day that either lift you up or bring you down. So instead of focusing on the few negative things in your life, make a new habit of focusing on the many positives in your life. Doing so will help you start enjoying your life quickly.

2. Discover Who You Are

You’re going to think, learn, and grow as a person your entire life. So take the time you need to really explore who you are now and feel proud of everything you’ve accomplished so far.

3. Practice Intentional Living

Intentional living is all about living the life you actually want to live and saying goodbye to all of those expectations other people have for you. By practicing intentional living, each decision you make will lead to greater satisfaction.

4. Commit to Living Freely

In order to really start enjoying your life, you must first start living freely. Living freely means letting go of all those obligations that once held you down and embracing new things in life that actually fill you up.

5. Be Thankful

It’s easy to fall into the trap of always wanting more, but it’s that same cycle that holds you back from actually enjoying your life. Learn to be thankful for what you have, who you share your life with, and everything you’ve accomplished so far, and your life will suddenly start looking a whole lot better.

6. Celebrate Small Accomplishments

Let’s face it, most of us are never going to make one huge accomplishment after another. And who cares? Get into the habit of celebrating even the smallest of accomplishments, and your life will look a whole lot rosier. Get out of bed this morning when you really didn’t want to? I’m proud of you already.

7. Take Responsibility for Your Own Happiness

I will say this once or a thousand times, stop putting your happiness into the hands of others. Take responsibility for your own happiness. You deserve it. You should never wait around for others to give it to you whenever they feel like it.

8. Love Yourself

You can’t enjoy your life if you don’t love yourself. Period. You have to learn how to love yourself first before you learn how to love your life.

9. Stop Making Comparisons

Social media is supposed to be an easy way to connect with people around the world, but oftentimes, social media becomes the thief of joy instead. You have to stop comparing yourself to everyone you see online if you ever want to start enjoying your own life. It’s that simple.

10. Adopt Minimalism

You may really enjoy that hit of dopamine every time you make a new purchase now, but you know that crash is coming soon enough. Things will never make you happy long term, and they’re bound to lead to regret or indifference later on. So adopt minimalism now, and suddenly your time, attention, and money will be freed up doing things you will actually enjoy long term—like having new experiences that you’ll look back on fondly.

11. Take Control of Your Finances

Living paycheck to paycheck or drowning in debt is definitely not a recipe for enjoying your life. If you want more happiness, you have to take control of your finances, get rid of your debt, and establish some financial security for yourself and your family.

12. Treat Yourself

You deserve to treat yourself every now and then, and you don’t have to spend a lot of money doing it. Want some quiet time for once? Hide out at the library and escape into a great book or see a movie alone and eat all the popcorn you want without sharing. And if you really want a little something for yourself, go ahead and get it. You took control of your finances so have plenty of money in savings after all.

13. Slow Down

Do you know what’s never enjoyable? Racing from one obligation to the next and never having any time to unwind. But once you start saying no to things you really don’t want to do, you realize that slowing down leads to a lot more enjoyment in life.

14. Take Care of Your Health

All of your efforts are wasted if you don’t take care of your health. If you want to enjoy your life, you have to take care of yourself each and every day. So make sure you sleep well, eat healthy, stay active, and see your physician and dentist regularly.

15. Bring Adventure Into Your Life

You may not be the skydiving or white water rafting type, but everyone needs a little adventure in their lives. So figure out what you’ve always wanted to do and go out and do it already.

16. Prioritize Self Care

I cannot emphasize how important self-care is when it comes to enjoying your life. And there are plenty of ways to practice self-care without all of the candles and bath bombs being marketed to you. Real self-care doesn’t require stupid products.

17. Let Go of the Past

A huge step towards enjoying your life now is saying goodbye to the past for good. You can’t change it anyway so move forward and move on.

18. Live in the Present

While getting stuck in the past is never a good idea, neither is living for the future. You are here right now. Enjoy it!

19. Stop Worrying About the Future

Planning for the future is an excellent idea, but constantly worrying about it is not. Don’t let your tendency to prepare for the future turn into an obsessive amount of worrying about it. Things will be okay, and you can deal with them as they actually happen.

20. Accept All Things

Acceptance is a big step towards enjoying the life you live. We all feel regret from time to time, but it’s not healthy to hold onto it. Learn from your mistakes and accept things as they are. Your happiness counts on it.

21. Stop Getting Offended

Everywhere you look these days, someone is mad about something. Don’t be the person that gets offended by absolutely everything. All getting offended does is give away your power and your happiness to someone else. If you want to enjoy your life, live it. And don’t let the angry, hateful people distract you from your purpose.

22. Be Social

Social interactions are so important in our lives that they’re even considered a basic human need. So be social and build healthy relationships with people from all walks of life.

23. Build Healthy Relationships

Healthy relationships help us build self-esteem, improve our overall health, and find fulfillment in life. So if you want to enjoy your life more, start by finding really amazing people who you can count on.

24. Remove Toxic People from Your Life

Toxic people can quite literally poison your life. No matter how you know them—even when you’re related to them—it’s okay to remove them from your life in order to put your own needs and happiness first.

25. Erase Negativity

No matter how happy you feel right now, the second you’re exposed to negativity, your entire mood will start to change too. Erasing negativity from your life, especially the constant barrage of negativity you see on the news will help you start enjoying your life that much faster.

How to Enjoy Life Everyday

Now that you’ve read all 25 tips for enjoying life, you may be wondering how you could possibly do all of those things every single day. But the upside to this is that they’ll all come to you naturally once you decide to start enjoying your life. So it will never feel like just another list of steps to master.

Remember, you’re in complete control of your life. No one else can make you happy or take away your happiness unless you let them. So dealing with a rude person at the coffee shop or getting lectured by your boss—yet again—doesn’t have to ruin your entire day anymore.

The secret to enjoying life every day is choosing to be happy with how your life is now, making future decisions based on whether or not they will actually fulfill you, and never being afraid to put yourself first when you need to.

To be completely transparent, your daily life is not going to be all that exciting. No one’s is. Some days will be pretty boring, in fact. But you can choose to enjoy them anyway. Plus, you can add little adventures into your lifestyle to shake things up a bit and give you something to talk about.

Remember, learning how to enjoy life every day doesn’t mean you have to have this crazy adventurous life where you travel around on private jets sipping champagne all the time.

You can learn how to enjoy life every day just by practicing.

So the next time you’re stuck in the pick-up line at school, bring a great book, listen to a thrilling podcast, or blare some gangsta rap and feel that beat.

The most mundane activities can be made a whole lot more enjoyable with a little effort.

And instead of feeling confined at work or trapped in traffic, you can reframe the experience and be thankful you finally have time away from home and all the demands that await you there.

Because when you commit to enjoying life every day, the people around you will notice. And they might just start enjoying their lives more every day too.

How to Enjoy Life Alone

Of course, a question I hear a lot is how to enjoy life alone. And to be honest, I love this question.

Living your life alone can be a little lonely at times. I know, I was a divorced single mom for years. I really missed having adult companionship once in a while too—especially when my kids were with their dad half the time.

But there are some really great things about being alone too. And you should appreciate this time alone, take advantage of it, and really put yourself first for once in your life.

The best way to enjoy life alone is to understand that this time is a gift to you. Successful relationships take a lot of work and energy; but when you’re alone, you can use all of that extra time and energy to make yourself feel happy and whole.

At no other time in your life will be able to do exactly what you want when you want to do it.

So whether you’ve suddenly found yourself single, your kids have left the nest, or you’ve been a loner for most of your life, you can learn how to enjoy life alone and really mean it.


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What can you do today to start enjoying your life more? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

the authorBrooke
Brooke Kazma is a lifestyle expert and the Founder of Blue to Bliss. She is passionate about women become strong, confident, and unstoppable.


  • Wayne Dyer was the 1st person who provided wellness to self for me! His books and his programs opened my eyes when I needed information on self care and bringing yourself joy. No matter what was a concern in my life, I could choose to be happy.
    You nailed it Brooke!
    Good article for everyone, young and old.

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