Losing Your Identity
Have you ever felt like you’ve completely lost your identity? Like you have no idea what you want out of life? Like everything is falling apart and you have no idea who you even are anymore?
Something as simple as deciding what you want for dinner suddenly feels that a monumental decision to make, because you don’t even know what types of food you like in the first place.
Or when you’re asked who your favorite band is, or color, or dream car, and you sit there with a blank expression on your face. Because you literally have no idea what your favorite of anything is anymore.
The thing that once made you, you has seemingly gone missing.
To be perfectly honest, it happened to me.
I was only a shell of my former self for years. But eventually, I was able to rediscover myself and find my joy again, and you can too.
So how did it all happen to me in the first place?
Well, six years ago I was a stay-at-home mom of two young children.
My husband made plenty of money, and we both worked hard to save for our futures and pay off debt. We had two cars and an 1800 square foot, two-story house in a family-friendly neighborhood that had a community pool and a clubhouse.
My days consisted of homeschooling, taking leisurely walks with a double stroller, and dealing with endless diapers, sippy cups, and laundry.
I looked like I had it all, but one very important thing was missing: me.
Then all of a sudden, I was a newly divorced, single mom, unemployed, broke, and scared. I quickly took the first low-paying job I could snag, and I moved into my grandmother’s basement in a new city an hour away from my previous life.
I had to completely start all over again.
And that’s when it hit me. I had no idea what to do with my life and no clue in what direction to go because I had no idea who I was anymore.
Sometimes when we want something so badly, we slowly give away little pieces of ourselves to get it.
It could be a job, a relationship, or becoming a parent that triggers a sense of identity loss.
But over time, you compromise so much of yourself that you don’t even know why you wanted something in the first place.
Here are some examples of losing your identity:
Losing Your Identity at Work
You finally get your dream job, and you are thrilled to work hard, find success, and make a difference. It’s everything you always dreamed of at first, and you are proud to be a part of the team.
But then they ask you to work more hours without extra pay. They expect you to get this project or that one done in an unreasonable amount of time. You give them your extra time.
Then, someone else quits and you inherit all of their workload without getting a raise because they tell you the company just can’t afford it. Besides, they really need your help. You take on the extra work.
Next, they pressure you to do something you know is not in the best interest of your client. But you do what you’re told to do anyway.
And then one day you’re sitting in a meeting that looks more like a high school pep rally. The bosses are celebrating a big win for the company, and you realize there will never be a big win for you here.
You have given up pieces of yourself so that they can reach their dreams. And you don’t even remember what your dreams are anymore.
Losing Your Identity In a Relationship
Or you fall head over heels in love with someone, and you realize that he or she is that one perfect person you’ve been waiting for.
You start spending all of your free time together, and you’re ecstatic to find out you have so much in common.
You love the same restaurants, the same movies, and the same hobbies. Everything seems perfect.
You make a commitment to each other and your lives become entwined.
But then this person starts making all of the decisions on what you do together and when you hang out. You let it happen because you’re just happy to see him or her, and it doesn’t matter what you’re doing as long as you’re together.
Then your partner makes little comments about how you dress, or how you act, or what you think about important topics. You make little changes to yourself because you want him or her to be happy and relationships take work, right?
Next, you have to cancel a night out with your friends because your significant other wants to do something else instead. You figure that you can always see your friends on a different night, so you cancel your plans and spend the night doing whatever he or she wants to do instead.
And then one day you’re sitting next to this person, and you realize that it’s been so long since you’ve seen your friends and family, that you can’t remember when it was or what you all did together.
Little by little, you’ve made yourself and your needs smaller so that this person has the perfect relationship to hold onto.
And you don’t even remember why you fell in love with this person in the first place.
Losing Your Identity After Kids
Or you become a parent and your entire life changed in the blink of an eye. You realize that this perfect baby loves you unconditionally, and he or she needs you in order to survive.
You are so happy in love and proud to be the mommy or daddy you’ve been waiting so long to become.
But then you never get enough sleep, and you slog through the days so exhausted you think that you may be hallucinating. And you continue to do it over and over again without accepting help because no one else will take care of this little one the way that you would.
Then your child gets sick, and you have to take days off of work to stay at home. You do it time and again because your significant other makes more money than you do or cannot take the time off.
Next, you stop going out on your own or having any time to yourself. Your child needs you and your significant other claims he or she just can’t handle it because it’s too much work.
And then one day your teenager screams at you that he or she hates you and that you ruin everything.
And you realize that you have loved this person so much, that you have taken care of him or her so well and for so long, that you stopped loving and taking care of yourself years ago.
It doesn’t matter how you let it happen. You just did. And it isn’t healthy to dwell on regret from the past.
Just recognize that you lost your identity somewhere along the way and then make a commitment to work on getting unstuck in your life and rediscovering who you truly are as a person.
How to Rediscover Yourself
These 10 steps will help you rediscover yourself and find your joy again:
1. Recognize That You Have Lost Both Your Identity and Your Purpose.
It’s important that you work on remembering who you truly are but also identifying what it is that drives you and gives your life meaning.
2. Take Pride in Those That You Help.
You have given so much of yourself to others, and you should acknowledge that and be proud of yourself. Serving others is never a mistake but you need to remember to also serve yourself moving forward.
3. Realize That Your Needs Matter.
Your needs are just as important as anyone else’s. You need to feel safe, secure, and restored. And the better you care for yourself, the better you can care for others.
4. Give Yourself Time, Patience, and Understanding.
It may take a while to rediscover yourself and that’s okay. Be patient and understanding with yourself as you figure out what it is that you need out of life in order to be happy.
5. Sit in a Quiet and Peaceful Place
Sit in a quiet and peaceful place and picture your ideal life. What kind of person are you? What do you see yourself doing?
6. Be Open and Honest
It’s important to discuss your feelings of losing your identity openly and honestly with those closest to you. Listen carefully to the suggestions they provide. Oftentimes, others see clearly the things that we cannot see in ourselves.
7. Set Small, Attainable Goals
The best way to rediscover yourself and build the life you desire is to set small, attainable goals that can help you get there. What simple thing can you do today that will make a difference? This week? This month?
8. Eliminate Whatever is Holding You Back
You may be filled with doubts, fears, and concerns that are holding you back. It’s okay to experience these feelings temporarily, but then you need to make the decision to be courageous and move past them.
9. Walk Away From Toxic Energy
Now is time to walk away from the toxic energy of people who don’t support you. There are plenty of people who want you to live your best life and your focus should be on them alone.
10. Surround Yourself With Things That Inspire You
Read or listen to anything that inspires you to be your best self and to make your goals a priority. Enjoy the positive energy that fills you when you feel inspired and use it to create the life you want.
My hope is that you find these 10 steps to be a useful way to rediscover the person you were always meant to be.
Each of us deserves to live our best lives and have our needs met. Today is the perfect day to remember what drives you and makes you feel whole.
You can do this.
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What kind of person do you want to be? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
I want to be the kind of person that is not a narcissist magnet. That’s why my life sucks. These people love me. They were my boyfriends, lovers, u husband of 20 years and my friends. I got rid of all of them, but everyone I meet , who I think is cool, turns out to be a narcissist. I don’t know why or how I attract these people and allow them to ruin my life. Every time.
I had the exact same issue for years, so I know where you are coming from. Here is the solution: education. Narcissists are drawn to the most intelligent, hard-working, and empathetic people around them. Those who have it all together and bring joy to everyone around them. You are everything they want to be but aren’t. First they love you for that, but then they hate you for that, so they have to systematically destroy you little by little until you don’t recognize yourself anymore and your self esteem has been completely eroded. To stop attracting them into your life in the first place, you have to communicate that decision to the universe through internal thought, prayer, meditation, or manifestation (whatever you feel comfortable with). Then, educate yourself on all the signs of narcissism so you recognize it quickly and steer clear from them. Narcissists display plenty of odd behaviors, like walking ahead of others, steering every conversation back to themselves, being unable to take constructive criticsm, always playing the victim and telling you about their crazy ex’s, etc. Once you know the signs, you’ll pick up on them quickly and cut ties before things get serious. Just remember, if you are a narcissist magnet, it’s because you are such a kind, caring, and effervescent person. Build your self-esteem back up and you will start to attract the good people in your life. I know you can do this!
You passed some scary time, but life is to learn and adjust.
Valuable tips..
It sure is.
Such an insightful piece, Brooke! I can definitely relate to this – I’ve also taken up on projects only to lose myself in the process. It’s so important to look after yourself, know your limits, and try to find yourself again! I’ve been a lot happier since I started my blog – it has become my purpose! x
Much love always,
I’m so glad to hear that. Keep up the good work.
This is so relatable. Thank you for sharing.
That means a lot. Thank you.
Who has not lost a piece of themselves in life?
In as much as covid-19 is a bad pandemic, the quarantine phase of life of working from home has helped me to find more purpose of my life. We had been leaving such a fast paced life, we just seem to have gone on a global reset. This is thought provoking read.
I have pinned it up on Pinterest so that others can tap back into their purpose.
H Emma
You make a good point. Staying home has helped a lot of people rediscover what they really want out of life. Thank you for your insight.
I’m very happy that you are finding your worth and purpose now. I can relate of the emotions on your story
as I also went some episodes in my life. What held me strong are my faith and the awesome support of my friends. Therefore I say a big YES to staying away from toxic friends. Above all, we have to take care if ourselves. I know that we are queens of juggling priorities in our lives but we have to stop, breathe and love ourselves. Cheers to all of us.
You are absolutely right. We all need to learn to look after ourselves and love who we are. Thank you for your comment.
So true, life can change in the moment and we can feel like in the
labyrinth. Very inspiring post..
We sure can. Thank you for your comment.
This was such a great post to read. There were parts of it where I realized I was on the same path and it really gripped my interest to know someone else might be in a similar situation.
Yes. You are not alone.
Seriously a very emotional post. As long as you concentrate on the brighter side of life, you can always find your purpose. Stay strong. Good luck on your journey…
Thank you. You too.
Very inspiring and helpful at this point in time in my life.
Been dwindling and loosing myself lately but this has uplifted me much more.
I’m so happy to hear that. I hope 2025 is the year you rediscover who you were always meant to be and helps you feel proud of yourself again.
It is such an emotional post and I think everyone could relate to it some or the other way. Really, we are so busy in fulfilling other people’s dreams by working day and night that we even forget what we loved to do. We are just becoming machines day by day.
You are absolutely right. Machines are a great way to describe it.
Wow this was such a good read. The concept of losing your identity is so sad to me but unfortunately happens more than we think. Love the list you included in the end, people need to know they can get their identities back 🙂
Yes! You can definitely find yourself again.
Thanks so much for sharing your story. I can really relate to the losing your identity part. I definitely lost mine when I developed a crippling anxiety disorder and could no longer do anything. I didn’t even recognise myself. I feel like I have a new identity now that I’m out of the otherwise but one that I love because I very much created it myself 🙂 xx
I’m so glad to hear that. It is so important to love ourselves, especially when we have overcome great obstacles.
I have definitely felt like that before too. This is such a great post on how to overcome that and find purpose again. Thanks so much for sharing!
I’m glad you found meaning in it. I think a lot of us have experienced this at one point or another.
These are some great tips. I did lose my identity five years ago and it took a while to regain it back. I wish I had seen those tips back then. Anyone struggling now should take a look at them. Thank you for sharing!
It can definitely take a while. I am glad you are back to yourself again.
Such a lovely honest post. It resonates so much with me. I went through a horrible experience a few years ago and it took me years to find my old self again. The hardest but greatest thing for me was talking to people and then eventually talking to a counsellor. Thank you so much for sharing.
Lots of love, Helen x
I’m sorry to hear that you went through such a rough time. I’m glad you were able to talk to a counselor who helped you open up. Best of luck to you.
This is a really beautiful post, and a subject I recognize all too well. I was in that relationship in college. I gave every bit of myself to a horrible, undeserving partner. And after things blew up, I felt as if I had become nothing: I didn’t know who I was, or what I wanted. I felt like an empty shell. It took a lot of work (and I mean A LOT) to get through that time. And while I’m grateful for the person I am today, there’s nothing that makes you feel more unmoored as human than not knowing who you are as a person. Thank you for this lovely post.
You have described the experience so well. It is crazy how often relationships can leave us feeling this way. I am so glad you have found yourself again.
Wow, this was very powerful to read! I went through an identity crisis a few years ago and I wish I had this knowledge.
I’m glad you found it helpful. I think it is an experience many of us face. I hope you have found your happiness again.
When I had to cut my dreads off due to my hair destroying behaviours causing me to have permanent traction alopecia, I loss my sense of self and I’ve never really recovered, and it’s been a few years now
It can be really hard to get used to a new normal when it comes to our appearance. Have you tried making a list of all of the other things you like about the way you look and thinking about those things when you look in the mirror? We are far too hard on ourselves when it comes to looks. We can all do better at trying to be appreciative of our bodies just the way they are.
This is a wonderfully deep yet easy to read article. I love your tips for finding yourself – so spot on!
I’m so happy to hear that. Thank you.
Amazing post! Thank you for the tips!
Happy to help. Thank you for reading.
This resonates with me so much! Great advice at the bottom, keep up the good work
Thank you so much. I will.
Great Post, an Intruiging read. Good tips to help find yourself.
I’m glad you enjoyed it.
This post is so inspirational. I was in a similar situation to yours once upon a time and I’m so glad I found myself again. Be proud of yourself for everything you have achieved! Love this post!
Same to you! We should all be proud of the obstacles we face and overcome.
Such a beautifully written and relatable read. Losing yourself and then having to find your way back to who you are whilst learning and growing , is one of the hardest but most rewarding journeys! Loved this !
You are absolutely right. It really is a rewarding journey.
This is so touching! I’m turning 25 this year and I’m still stuck with my daily life, I’m not independent enough to let go my current life, I’m still searching for what I’m going to do in the future to support my life, what my life is going to be in the next 3-5 years, there are so many doubts, fears, and concerns come along every night.
Thanks for sharing this post. It’s really helpful for me :’)
I wish you the best in your life. Stay safe and healthy!
I wish you the best too. Don’t worry. You are so young, and you will figure everything out. I am so much happier and fulfilled in my 30’s.
What a fascinating story, thank you for sharing it with us!
You’re welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
When me and my first boyfriend broke up I was definitely a little lost, as you tend to be when your life changes so dramatically! I distracted myself by just taking leaps into things, making new friends and just re-defining myself. I have a new partner now thanks to those decisions & am happier than ever!
Good for you. I’m so happy to hear that. Everything works out in the end.
This is very interesting, yes I feel like this sometimes. We get lost in everything going on around us and lose what our purpose or goals are. Well written, thanks for sharing 😊
Great comment. We do tend to get lost in the busyness of life.