Financial Well-Being

FU Money Secrets: Unlocking the Power of Savings

Using FU Money as a Financial Freedom Tool

Piles of cash representing an FU money fundOnce your emergency savings are built, your next big savings goal is to stockpile FU money.

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A woman holding cash and giving her advice for saving FU money
Saving FU money helps you walk away from any situation without worrying about finances.

Stamped earrings with the letters F and U
Build your savings, buy your freedom, and sport these FU earrings loud and proud while doing so.

Small FU Studs by StephBarnesStudio

• Made to order

• Hand-cast pewter with stainless steel backs

• Hand stamped

• Gift wrapping available

FU Money

FU money is a crucial component of any financial freedom plan. Similar to an emergency savings account, FU money puts you in charge of your finances and your life. Feeling stuck and not sure what to do? Simply tap into your FU money fund and start building a life that brings you joy.

When you really stop to think about it, you’ve been hearing about money your entire life because everyone around you has been in pursuit of it. However, the interesting thing is how few details are actually shared with you when it comes to people’s financial situations. Besides having basic conversations about spending and saving, most people never get around to discussing the nitty gritty of using money as a tool. For example, having the ability to quit a job you hate or retire early, all thanks to a little thing called FU Money, is what personal finances are all about.

Now that you’re reading this, you probably know it’s true. Just take a minute and think about all of the things you’ve heard about money in the past.

You may have heard things like:

  • Money is power
  • Money is everything
  • Money is the root of all evil
  • Money can’t buy happiness
  • Cash is king
  • Dolla dolla bill y’all

You may have even heard that you should live frugally and have an emergency fund. But unless you’re one of the lucky few, no one ever sat you down and told you about FU money and how it can change your entire life—until now.

At some point, you were expressly taught that talking openly about money is not a polite thing to do. As a kid, you may have asked someone how much they paid for college or how much their vacation cost, and sure enough, an adult was there to slap your hand—figuratively speaking—so that you never made that same mistake again.

Even if you chose to ignore that advice and started asking people about their incomes or the cost of their homes, you’d probably just hear crickets. So you never get to find out any details, like if they save FU money or if they’re just hoping and praying everything turns out okay.

But wouldn’t you be better with your own money if people shared their financial successes and failures with you? Does it really make sense to keep everything so hush-hush?

Just think about how much it would benefit you to actually see someone else’s budget, savings rate, FU money account, retirement portfolio, and net worth. You’d be able to learn countless lessons about money from this other person. And suddenly, it would become obvious why FU money should be an important part of everyone’s finances, including yours.

Brooke’s Top Pick for a Custom Countdown Calendar

Wooden Chalk Countdown Plaque by WallfrogGraphics

• Handmade to order

• Two sizes to choose from

• Customizable

• Comes with a stand and a drawstring bag for number storage

An editable count down sign to track your freedom date
Make savings fu-n with this personalized countdown sign. You can use it to track the days until you tap into your FU fund and quit your job.

What is FU Money

FU money means having enough savings that you’re able to escape a situation without having to worry about paying bills or having another job already lined up. FU money gives you the freedom to quit a toxic job, say no to work assignments that you don’t want, or stand up to a difficult boss or co-worker.

When it comes to personal finances, everyone agrees that the first step is setting a budget. It’s incredibly important to know your monthly expenses and to make sure that your money is working hard for you. But please don’t think a budget has to be a huge time suck. Budgets can be made quickly and easily. You really just need to know how much is coming in each month and where you want it all to go. Remember, you’re in the driver’s seat when it comes to your income.

Next, you need to save an emergency fund for all of life’s little surprises. Doing so ensures that small emergencies don’t wipe you out financially. Everyone starts from zero at some point in their lives. So don’t feel bad if you have to start small to get your emergency savings funded.

The third thing you need to do is start saving FU money. FU money is definitely a bigger commitment than a 3, 6, or 9-month emergency fund, but rest assured, it will change your life forever. With FU money, you never have to feel trapped again.

When life gets too hard, your anxiety is through the roof, or you realize have zero work-life balance and you can’t stomach the idea of living through it one more day, you can just pull the trigger and quit your toxic job. and your FU money is there to catch you.

It’s like winning the lottery and being able to do whatever you want to do, except it’s even better. Anyone on any income can save FU money. You just have to start and these affirmations will help you get into the right mindset to do so.

Three affirmations for saving an FU money fund
An FU fund supercharges your confidence level. When you know you have enough money to fall back on, you feel strong enough to move on and never look back.

Why is FU Money Important

FU Money is important because it gives you all the power. Essentially, FU money puts you back in control over your own life and eliminates your need to depend on an income. Think of it like a safety net for your happiness. If you’re no longer happy, use your FU money to create a life worth living.

No more struggling to get ahead, hating your life, and just wishing you would achieve financial independence already. An FU fund will make a world of difference in your life by allowing you the time you need to find a job you love, and you’ll find yourself transferring more of your hard-earned cash into it over time.

Just think of how much FU money you’ll save if you move just one dollar into your account every time someone acts like a jerk at work, takes credit for your success, or cram a foot in their mouth. It’s amazing how limber jerks can be!

Remember, as long as you’re a slave to your paycheck, as long as your spending habits control you, and as long as you have no idea where your money is going once your paycheck hits your bank account, you won’t experience the freedom that comes with being able to walk away at any given time.

A candle that reads escaping the shit show
Life is full of shit shows. Buy your freedom with a fully stocked FU fund and enjoy the new life you build.

Funny Coworker Farewell Candle by BernDesignCo

• Vegan, gluten-free, toxin-free, paraben-free, and phthalate-free

• Poured into an amber glass jar

• Made from renewable sources

• Many available fragrances to choose from

But what if you don’t want to walk away? What if you love your job? Do you still need to build an FU fund then?

Just ask yourself these 5 FU money-related questions and the answer will soon become obvious:

  1. Would an FU fund come in handy if my boss quit tomorrow and was replaced by the world’s meanest person who was dead set on making my day a living nightmare? Um, yes!
  2. Would FU money save me financially if I got a huge pay cut because my employer couldn’t afford to pay my salary anymore? You betcha!
  3. Could FU savings help us if we decided to start a family and either my partner or I decided to stay home with the baby? Absolutely!
  4. Could I use FU money as leverage if my boss tried to give me more responsibility without a pay raise? Definitely!
  5. Could I tap into my FU fund if I needed to walk away from a bad relationship and I couldn’t rely on their income anymore? Yes! Yes! Yes!

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to start building your FU fund today. And why keep it a secret? Wouldn’t you feel better if your parents had an FU fund? What about your kids, your best friend, or your favorite co-worker?

Saving FU money helps you prepare to say FU when life gets tough—without having financial repercussions. It only makes sense that we would share this secret with those closest to us.

Money, in general, is talked about every day. Shouldn’t we be talking about this more too? Remember, there’s a reason why money is mentioned in the Bible more than 800 times. Plus, there are so many memorable quotes about money attributed to the greats like William Shakespeare, Benjamin Franklin, and Albert Einstein.

What they knew about money and what too few of us know about it today, is that the importance of money does not lie in the goods it can buy.

  • Money is power because it gives you back control over your own life.
  • Money is everything because spending less than what you earn allows you freedom from worry.
  • Money is the root of all evil when people put their efforts into obtaining it while neglecting those they love.
  • Money can’t buy happiness by itself, but it can buy freedom—which makes you a whole lot happier overall.
  • Cash is king when you need to walk away from a bad situation. ANY bad situation.
  • Dolla dolla bill y’all. Who doesn’t want that?

Three key takeways for saving an FU money fund
FU allows you to make choices based on your personal values instead of being stuck in a situation that no longer serves you.


1. What is the meaning of FU money?

Having FU money simply means having enough money in savings that you can leave a job at any time without having another one lined up and without facing financial hardship as a result.

2. How can FU money help me?

FU Money can help you by providing you with a financial safety net if you choose to leave your job. It eliminates your need to stay in a position you hate simply because you’re dependent on a steady income.

3. What can you use FU money for?

You can use FU money for any of your financial needs, like paying bills, paying off your debt, continuing your education, traveling, self-care, or receiving mental health services.


The practical steps to reaching financial freedom

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What’s your number one reason for saving FU money? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

the authorBrooke
Brooke Kazma is a lifestyle expert and the Founder of Blue to Bliss. She is passionate about women become strong, confident, and unstoppable.


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