When Your Life is Falling Apart
Have you ever felt like absolutely everything in your life is falling apart? Like your life is one big, hot mess, and there is absolutely no way it’s ever going to get any better?
Your house is a disaster, your bank account is over drafted, you look awful and you have nothing to wear, your partner is driving you insane, and your job is the worst it’s ever been. Throw some kids into the mix and your stress level shoots through the roof exponentially.
It’s okay. We’ve all been there.
It doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor, single or taken, kid-free or an exhausted parent, unemployed or employed. Life is messy sometimes no matter what your current situation looks like.
What’s worse is that no one around you seems to get it, because your life looks like this perfect, filtered version to everyone else. And that’s exactly what makes you feel even more alone.
You’re going to think I’m crazy when I say this. But when your life is falling apart and nothing is going your way, it’s actually a huge gift.
I probably sound annoying and fake to you right now, but I’m not blissfully unaware of what real life is like.
I’ve been abused as a child, had a traumatic childbirth that almost killed me, been divorced, and been in a major car crash. My life straight-up sucks sometimes. But I’m still choosing to be happy anyways.
I’m just that stubborn. Take that world!
Here’s the thing. All of those experiences could have made me angry and bitter for life, but they actually taught me what it is that I want really want in the first place.
I no longer live the life that other people want for me. I live on my own terms. It’s time you start to do the same.
So when it feels like your life is falling apart, you need to slow down, take a deep breath, and realize that this utter melt-down you are currently experiencing is the perfect opportunity to examine what it is that you truly want.
Why is My Life Falling Apart
The most important thing you need to look at is why your life is falling apart in the first place.
- Are you putting way too much pressure on yourself?
- Are you neglecting to take breaks and make self-care a priority? Are you always the last person to get whatever is leftover at the end of the day?
- Are you racing from one obligation to the next without any purpose? Do you even find joy in these activities in the first place?
- Are you truly happy with your partner? Or are you staying in a relationship that hasn’t met your needs for a long time? Have you even put in the effort to make things great between the two of you?
- Do you even like your job? Does it make you fill accomplished? Are you respected there? Are your skills and talents rewarded?
- Are you raising appreciative kids or spoiling them rotten? Are they over-scheduled, tired, and stressed out themselves? Do they expect too much out of you, because you haven’t set enough limits with them?
- Do you pay yourself first and save for the future? Have you educated yourself about personal finance so that you feel safe and secure? Or do you waste money on fees and frivolous shopping because it temporarily fills the hole in your life?
Answering these questions will help you realize what your life looks like at this very moment. And then you can decide if that picture is your dream come true or someone else’s vision entirely.
How to Put Your Life Back Together
So how can you put your life back together? First, ask yourself these ten important questions:
- What makes me happy?
- What makes me feel good about myself?
- Which people in my life lift me up and encourage me?
- Which people in my life pull me down and discourage me?
- What have I given up about myself to please others?
- How do I like to spend my time?
- What have I already done that makes me proud of myself?
- What do I still want to accomplish?
- What steps can I take now to make my dreams a reality?
- What kind of person do I want to be known as?
Once you have discovered the answers to these questions, it’s time to decide to take control of your life and be happy already. You’re the only one who can do it.
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Studies show that when you feel like you are in control of your own life, your level of happiness will increase.
So, are you living your life for yourself? Or are you just doing what everyone else wants you to do?
My whole life I was told I was going to college, so I went. I don’t regret going because I learned a lot from incredibly smart people, made friends, and had an awesome volunteer and social life. But I could have made a lot more money and started to work sooner if I had entered a trade or started my own business. I never made the decision myself. I just went because I was told to.
My whole life I was talked to about the wedding I would have someday and the kids that I would make. So I got married young and had kids. Again, I don’t regret any of it because I learned a ton of life lessons, and I created my two favorite people in the world. But sometimes I wonder if I really wanted to get married when I did, or if I just followed the path that was laid out for me.
And even more important than what I did do, was what I didn’t do. For a long time, other people’s expectations of me stopped me from doing what I really wanted to do.
For years, I dreamed about getting a Ph.D. and becoming a professor at a gorgeous ivy-covered campus somewhere. But people pushed me into public school teaching along the way, told me to put my dream off so I could work and save money first, and then they insisted I should hurry up and start a family because I was almost thirty. So it never happened.
For years I also dreamed about being a writer. I wrote some articles online, was published in a poetry journal, and even wrote a novel that I was just starting to pitch to publishers. But then I was told I could never put my work ahead of my two small children, and I could never leave them behind to go on any promotional tours. So I put my novel away, and I never published it.
Are you giving up a part of yourself to please others? I sure did for a long time.
But I don’t anymore.
Having one life-falling-apart moment after another is what taught me what kind of life I wanted for myself in the first place.
We are always growing, learning, and discovering new things about ourselves along the way. Our dreams change. We end up loving things we never thought that we would. But it’s important that we keep looking at our lives and take the time to make sure that we are doing things intentionally to live our best life. Not someone else’s.
I like tattoos and piercings, so I got several of them. My family doesn’t like them. I did it anyway because it’s my body.
I wanted to experience bungee jumping and sky diving. My family forbade me. I sneaked off and created memories that will never fade.
I wanted to meet new people and experience freedom after my divorce. My family wasn’t thrilled. I went out with fun new people and tried new things, and it helped me remember who I have always been.
And I decided to take the plunge and rediscover my love of writing. I even spent weeks thinking about the tagline of this website. And I realized that the whole purpose behind starting Blue to Bliss was to help people live freely and love their lives.
Now I want you to have the courage and freedom to go after whatever it is that you want out of life. And I want you to love every moment of your journey, as well.
Remember, this is your life. It will go by quickly. It will be messy at times. But it’s all yours. Never forget that.
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What’s holding you back from living your best life now? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
I love your writing. Signed up for your email list and really excited to binge on your blog!
I’m so happy to hear that. Welcome to Blue to Bliss.
What an amazing article–thank you for being so open and honest, it’s so refreshing! I can totally relate to much of what you’re saying. I also made choices and did things that I don’t know if I would have done if I hadn’t been encouraged to do so by my family’s opinions. I don’t live that way anymore now. I’m even thinking of leaving my job in the next few years, or at least trying it out part time instead of full time, as the job takes A LOT out of me emotionally. I want to write, which was always my dream, and now with my blog I am getting a chance to do just that and it’s so liberating. Your message is incredibly powerful and I think many will resonate with this article.
Thank you so much for your kind words. It can be so difficult to branch out on your own and make choices other people in your life may not agree with. But it’s so important to live the life you want.
Great post Brooke! I especially love the thought questions about how your life would’ve gotten to be such a mess in the first place. I think it’s very important to find the root cause of the dissatisfaction in life
I’m glad you enjoyed the thought questions. I think a lot of the times when we get really upset about things we don’t always know why. Thanks for reading.
Hey Brooke, I’ve been on your blog a few times before, but I never knew this side of your story. That must have been a lot to go through, but I am glad that you’re now living your best life. For most of my teenage years, I did everything that my parents would expect of me, and I still do even now that I am 22 and in university. However, I am glad that they allow me more freedom to pursue writing and blogging on the side for instance. Thanks for sharing your story! 🙂
The pull of your parent’s expectations is certainly strong the younger you are. I’m glad you are pursuing your dreams now.
This is awesome! I love these 10 questions. I’m sure a lot of people could use this right now. Thanks so much for compiling this helpful resource!
I’m so glad to hear that you like the questions. Thank you so much for reading.
I loved this so much, thank you so much for your inspiring words. I’ve definitely been pushed into certain situations too and while it’s probably done with good intentions, it does make you feel like you’ve lost your free will along the way. My husband checks me when I start falling back into people pleasing habits now which is nice but I find that my biggest problem now is the expectations I have for myself which are normally very different to what I can handle mentally and/or physically. Definitely need to prioritise self-care more and stop putting unnecessary pressure on myself.
Such a great comment! Thank you for sharing. You are not alone. It is so easy to fall into people-pleasing and I’m glad your husband takes care of you in that way.
Love this post. Been through so much in my life too abusive relationships, alcoholic father, unemployment, discrimination I still find something to sile about each and everyday even when I feel like I am falling apart inside
I’m so glad to hear that you can still find something to smile about every day. It’s such an important thing to learn how to do. Life is hard a lot of the time, but there is still always good to be found too.
Such a great helpful post, thank you!
Thank you for reading. I’m glad you found it so helpful.
This is such a good article to read, there is so much to take away from. It’s very easy to have tunnel vision when it feels like your world is falling to pieces.
I love that you said tunnel vision. That explains the feeling very well. Thank you for reading.
I really admire your mindset and your strength to get through hard moments. I can relate to life feeling like it is falling apart (as I am sure others can too). But, it is often the most difficult moments where we learn the most and sometimes it can be an opportunity for us to reevaluate what we can control and whether we are taking steps to what we actually want to do.
I just want to say your mindset is so inspiring. I can relate to the feeling of life falling apart (as I am sure many others do too) and it really sucks and is difficult, but often it really is where you learn the most! There can be a silver lining allowing you to reevaluate what you can control and change and whether wht=at you are doing is what you want to be doing.
I agree. It is a great learning experience for sure.
I love the sentiment of this post. I’ve always been a proponent of doing what makes you happy and not letting other people’s opinions hinder you from doing so. My all-time favorite movie in UHF, which stars “Weird Al.”
It’s silly and sophomoric, but I still laugh every time the contestant loses on Wheel Of Fish, and I’m ok with that because it makes me happy. Thanks for sharing Brooke.
I love your example. We all need to get better at doing what makes us happy and not worrying about what others think.
Amazing post. I can so relate. I lived my life for others too, doing what I thought they wanted me to do. Good for you (and me) for doing otherwise now!
Exactly! Glad we are both living the lives we want to now.
Wow, this is so powerful. I loved reading it. I think for me I don’t feel accomplished in my job so I put a lot of pressure on myself= not happy.
Really liked the subject of your post, tbh I usually don’t read a post from beginning to end but I did with yours
I’m so glad to hear that. I am really bad about putting too much pressure on myself workwise too. We both need to realize we are already amazing.
Being happy is more important than having a PhD 🙂
I completely agree.
In the end, we should be happy
I couldn’t agree more.
This is a very thought-provoking post and it’s good to sometimes take a step back and reevaluate things in life, whether they’re big or small!
Thank you so much.
What a brilliant post! I don’t feel like my life is falling apart, but it could definitely be improved upon somewhat, and I really liked the questions you put in to ask yourself, I’ll be referring to them! Definitely going to be opening up my world a bit more!
Good point. We all have things we would like to improve on. Glad to hear that my questions have you thinking. Thanks for reading.
Awesome post! You have allot of great questions here allot of people should be asking them selves! I have always tried to do things the way I want and not what others assume of me and I wouldn’t have it any other way ❤️
Good for you. Thank you for reading and commenting. I’m so glad you enjoyed my post.
Great post! Totally agree with taking control of one’s life being the first step to living a full life! It’s taking me a long time to be able to manage this, but I’m so grateful that I’ve finally realized the importance of being happy with my life and not just trying to keep other people happy.
I’m so happy to hear that. Never forget that it is your life and your choice about how to live it.
Loved this! Great perspective and positive outlook. You have been through some seriously tough stuff, but it didn’t break you because you didn’t let it. I really like that you challenge us to ask the hard questions and analyze where the pain is rooted. Thank you 🙂
This is such a lovely comment. I am so grateful that you feel that way. Thank you!
It really all comes down to perspective, doesn’t it? Looking back I can see some of the worst things my family has been through resulted in some of the greatest outcomes.
That is such a good way to look at things Cassie. I totally agree with you.
Worth reading.Great inspirational post..Keep writing such posts..
You are so kind. Thank you for lovely comment.
Such an inspirational post, Thankyou for sharing. I definitely needed to hear this x
Glad to hear that.
We used to spend all of our time working at jobs that paid well, but we hated. We have started trying to do what we love and it has made all the difference!
Good for you! Hating your job takes so much out of you.
What a lovely inspirational post! A great read!
Thank you so much. I am glad to hear that.
You go girl! Going your own way is the only way to go! I’ve always walked my own path and my relatives often asked me how I became like this. I dunno 😀 But it’s never a bad thing that I am like this! I’m the first one in our family to have a University degree, I’m the only one who has achieved all her supposedly impossible dreams (so far) and I am happy. I wasn’t always, life has been a bloody big learning curve and sometimes it’s been nothing but struggle for even years at a time. But we always get through whatever it is we’re going through. And we always come out of all situations stronger and smarter! <3
Good for you. It took me awhile to learn, but I couldn’t be happier now. So glad to hear that you are living on your own terms.
Very inspirational, taking control of one’s life is the first step to living a full live.
Thank you,
Thank you so much for your comment.
Great post. I didn’t learn to live my own life until my late 30’s. Now I do, every single day!
Good for you! Enjoy the life that you are designing.
Hi it’s Brenda from RubyHemMinistries.com I’m at the point of trying to figure out what I want so that I can go after it. I feel like I’ve finally hit rock bottom and need a new journey. Thanks for giving me the hope to know that it is possible, even though at the moment it doesn’t seem that way.
I’m so glad that you are starting to feel hopeful, Brenda. Sometimes hitting the bottom is what we need to move forward. You have so many things to offer the world, and you are ready to move in a new direction. You’ve got this! Best of luck to you.
Wonderful post! I think some amazing things came out of our worst moments in life. It’s when you’re at your lowest that you decide what you’re going to do next. And, for me, that’s brought some good changes. Glad you’ve made some good changes, too. Thanks for a great read.
You make a great point. Thank you for reading.
This is a great post. You’re right – We all find ourselves feeling this way at one time or another, but we don’t have to accept that we’re in a hole and can’t go anywhere. Instead, we can find the things that we can control which includes how we react to the world around us.
You said it beautifully. You are absolutely right.
Such a great post! I feel like my life is falling apart right now because of the coronavirus and not being able to work! So I definitely needed to read this. Thanks for sharing!
I hear ya! It is definitely a different world right now.
I feel like this post is so relevant, especially in these tough times! Thank you for being so honest in this post, very refreshing to hear!
I’m glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for your lovely comment.
I love this post. So inspiring and thought provoking.
I honestly believe that when life feels like it is falling apart, good things are not far behind. I have been there for a few years in fact. But once things turned, wow, life was never been better.
Thank you for sharing
Claire x x
I am so glad to hear that your life has never been better. That is awesome!
I’m so glad you’re following your dreams and have come out of all this a stronger and happier person. You’re truly an inspiration!
You are so right that we do really need to take the time to look after ourselves and do the things that make us happy. Life is short, we should be making the most of every second.
Thank you for this 🙂
Thank you so much for your comment. You are absolutely right about how important it is to make the most of our lives.
If I may be so bold, I would like to note that all of your wonderful suggestions are applicable to any age group. It is never too late to pursue your dreams. I turned 60 in February and am finally doing the things I have always wanted to do. It’s scary but so worth it. I applaud you for doing the same. Great post!
That is so true! I am thrilled that you are getting out there and trying new things that you have been dreaming of. You rock!
This is really inspirational, I love that you turn negatives from the past into positives and focus on the lessons and experience it has given you. I also love that you are following your dreams and living the life you want. This is such a great reminder to do what makes us happy and enjoy our lives. Thank you for sharing, hope you have a lovely week! <3 xx
Thank you so much! I hope you have a lovely week too. Stay healthy and happy!
I absolutely love this post. I can put a positive spin on the negative things that have happened to me because lessons were learned and they helped mold me. If I’m discontented I should look inwardly and see if there is a why that I can change. Also, I love how you went against your family’s wishes and did your own thing. I have a huge tattoo on my thigh for that very reason lol, and I cannot wait to get more.
Same! Once you get one, you tend to want more. And I’m so glad you were able to recognize that discontentment can be changed by looking inward. Nice job!
I cannot agree more with your final statement. While living with my parents, I dealt with a lot and felt highly unworthy. I finally took control of my life and am now far away from that negativity, married to my wonderful husband and I have two beautiful children! Life gets better, you just have to take control, get away from all negativity and realize that this is your life, not anyone else’s!
Absolutely! I am so happy that your life has turned out so beautiful. Enjoy the family you created.
I often feel like my whole world is falling apart, but the last few years it’s always been due to things I have no control over whatsoever
That always makes it feel worse. Sometimes we have to go through a lot of hardship and it seems like it will never end. Just try to appreciate the good in your life when you can, and look forward to better things to come in the future. I wish you the best.
Thank you for this post. I have struggled for a long time with letting things go and this post has inspired me to take that step and start making myself happy. Thank you for this post, I am so happy you found the confidence to do what you wanted and to also rediscover writing. I have done the same as blogging makes me so happy. I am so happy to have found your blog!
Em x
That is great to hear. Keep blogging and increasing your happiness along the way.
I really enjoyed reading this post. For a very long time, I have not been in the best place mentally and that has affected a lot of things physically both for myself and those around me. Thank you so much for sharing this post! It has made me reevaluate a lot of things and I know one of the key things I need to do is just let go, something it appears the whole world has been telling me lately! I am so happy you found your freedom and just went for things. You keep doing you and what makes you happy! You should be so proud that you are living your life your own way! Take care 🙂
Em x
I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed my post. I truly hope it helps you live your best life. What matters most is discovering what makes you the happiest and making the changes necessary to get you there. Best of luck to you!
Your words really triggered my emotion, my soul grieved after reading, it just felt like you are penning down my life into your blog
That is such a compliment. Thank you. My hope is to help people get in touch with their true feelings and find happiness throughout their journeys. Thank you for reading.
I love this post so much. It triggered a lot of memories and pain from the past but all in all, I’m grateful for life and where I am at. I am not where I wish to be yet but I know I will get there by living a life that makes me happy and contented not for the sake of other people. Thank you so much for sharing this
I am so glad to hear that you are working through the pain in your past and living a life designed by you. Best of luck to you and your journey.