Travel and Adventure

Treat Yourself to an Adventure Trip of a Lifetime

Adventure Trips for Adults and Families

Why Are Adventures Important

If I’ve learned one thing through travel, it’s that adventure trips are life-changing.

Adventures are important in life because they’re exciting, they push you outside of your comfort zone, and they energize your body, mind, and soul. Intentionally making adventure a priority will also help you avoid feelings of being stuck in a rut, burned out, and just content with your life.

Let’s face it, life can be easy one day and hard the next. It’s boring most of the time and exciting some of the time. And you can feel completely carefree one minute and loaded down with stress the next.

There are lots of reasons why this happens, but the main contributor is that nowadays you work way too much and play far too little. And adventure trips are the perfect way to bring play back into your life again.

Have you noticed that somewhere along the way you started glorifying busyness and feeling like you’re being lazy every time you need to take a break?

At what point did you start scheduling every minute of your day with tasks that you don’t even like doing?

And why do you keep doing this to yourself time and again?

If anyone gets what you’re going through, I sure do. I was a huge overachiever most of my life. I went to high school, worked, volunteered, and played sports. Then I took college classes, worked, volunteered, and studied abroad. And even when I was a stay-at-home mom, I ended up running a non-profit. Who does that?

I was happy with my life — kind of. And then I just wasn’t anymore. I was exhausted and overwhelmed. And I knew it was time for a change.

I realized I accomplished a ton of things on my checklist every day, but I never did anything I was passionate about. I never relaxed and recharged. And that was a problem.

So I made a commitment to totally change my life. And since then, everything is so much better.

Nowadays, whenever I start to feel the weight of stress and obligations starting to settle onto my shoulders, I know it’s time to recharge myself and get back to those feelings of bliss I’ve worked so hard to find in my life. And you should too.

Make a promise to yourself that your happiness is your number one goal in life and stick to it. The more you live intentionally seeking out joy and satisfaction instead of just going through the motions, the happier you’ll ultimately be.

You’ll never find your bliss when you’re bogged down and can’t see past it. Stress and obligation eat away at you and force you to just barely survive when you’re supposed to be out in the world thriving.

Be intentional about taking time off to recharge. Your body and your mind desperately crave it. And it makes you a better person to those around you when you’ve cared for yourself first.

So today, I strongly encourage you to seek out an adventure.

Adventure trips keep life exciting. They get your mind racing with possibilities. They activate your brain as you sense unique stimuli in a new environment. And they help you overcome fear, anxiety, and stress.

Taking the time to explore new places actually triggers you to explore yourself as well. Adventure trips challenge you and they help you remember who you are as a person and what matters most to you.

You deserve to have experiences that bring you immense joy, and living an adventurous life creates many of these opportunities for you.

How to Go on an Adventure

The best way to go on an adventure is to go somewhere that you’ve never been before and to experience new activities that you’ve never tried before. Thrilling experiences that get you out of your comfort zone are a must when it comes to going on an adventure that you’ll never forget.

Wondering how to go on an adventure that you’ll love? Here are 10 steps to get you started:

  1. Decide to go on an adventure
  2. Clear your schedule
  3. Turn off all notifications on your phone
  4. Bring the people that you love most
  5. Go somewhere you’ve never been before
  6. Try something exciting that you’ve always wanted to try
  7. Meet new people
  8. Eat great food
  9. Take photos
  10. Explore without set plans

Learning how to go on an adventure doesn’t need to be a difficult or time-consuming process. It should be exactly the opposite, in fact.

Adventure trips don’t have to be far away. They don’t have to cost a lot of money. And they don’t need to be pre-planned to be fun.

The best adventure trips are often the simplest ones. You can have great experiences that are relatively close by, don’t require a lot of spending money, and don’t burn up a ton of time off from work.

The beauty of simple adventures is that you can go on them often, routinely recharge yourself, and pack your regular life full of exciting experiences.

pin for adventure trips

Adventure Ideas for Adults

There are plenty of opportunities when it comes to planning your next adventure. And these adventure ideas for adults will bring fun back into your life in no time:

  1. Hiking
  2. Comedy club
  3. Winery tour
  4. Brewery tour
  5. Bus trip
  6. Casino
  7. Ziplining
  8. Skiing
  9. Whitewater Rafting
  10. National Park

Remember, most of your life is lived at warp speed as you race from one obligation to the next. And because you often forget to truly enjoy the little moments that matter most, you’re probably exhausted and slowly deteriorating your body because of it.

If you want to find your bliss, you must slow down.

Go on adventures. Travel somewhere new. It doesn’t matter what you choose to do. It only matters that it excites you and that it makes you remember why you’re so happy to be alive in the first place.

The best adventures are simple and inexpensive, but the rewards they provide are rich.

And there are so many great adventures to be had close by so jump in the car and explore your local area as soon as possible.

Adventure Ideas for Families

You don’t have to leave your family out when it comes to having an adventure. Here are 10 adventure ideas that are perfect for families:

  1. Camping
  2. Beach
  3. Farm
  4. Orchard
  5. City
  6. Cruelty-free Circus
  7. Children’s Museum
  8. Water Park
  9. Tubing
  10. Local Park

Adventures don’t always have to be lavish vacations. Depending on where you live, many of these adventure ideas for families can be done as a day trip. And they certainly don’t have to require a lot of work upfront.

Last weekend I took my family on a quick camping vacation. It was deliciously simple, relaxing, and peaceful. The drive was less than an hour away and required minimal packing on my part.

I had planned a few activities ahead of time, but in my mind only. I didn’t buy tickets ahead of time or schedule every waking moment.

We just went and we did what we felt like doing when we felt like doing it. There was no rush. And there was no list of things we had to accomplish. We explored the campground resort and the city around us, and we discovered many enjoyable activities we may never have found in a tourist guidebook simply by driving around and finding them. And talking to the locals worked wonders too.

My kids were free to be kids. We didn’t even bring technology with us and my phone was only used for photos. And because of it, we had the perfect adventure for our family.

Last weekend I gave my children a gift. They enjoyed a happy, carefree mom and soon-to-be step-dad who spent quality time with them.

They played, climbed, and jumped until they were simply exhausted at the park. They swam for hours and played water games on an endless sandbar that stretched out into a beautiful lake with boats off in the distance. They ate fresh fruits, vegetables, and grilled meats and topped it off with giant sundaes. They tie-dyed t-shirts and played sports. And they had their first thrilling ride in the dunes, raced down them, and discovered how exhausting it is to climb back up.

It was the picture of what childhood should be.

Remember, we all crave adventure, and we have a strong need to have events to look forward to. Without them, life just seems like one big repetitive cycle day in and day out.

So look at a map and think about where you’ve already been and where you still want to go. Once you pick a place, think of what you really want to do there.

And make sure not to overschedule your entire trip. Just put the minimum amount of effort into booking your accommodations and allow yourself the freedom to explore this new area. Or for the bravest among you, just get in your car and go.

Remember, some of the best adventures start with no plan at all.


Photo link to an article titled "Traveling With Kids: The Complete Guide For Parents"
Photo link to an article titled "10 Eye-Opening Ways to Plan the Perfect Romantic Getaway"
Photo link to an article titled "The Many Benefits of Vacation and Why You Need One Soon"
Photo link to an article titled "How to Plan a Hiking Trip: The Easy Way"
Photo link to an article titled "How to Plan a Camping Trip: The Easy Way"
Photo link to an article titled "How to Plan a Road Trip: The Easy Way"

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What do you want to do on your next adventure? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

the authorBrooke
Brooke Ressell is a lifestyle expert and the Founder of Blue to Bliss. She is passionate about helping others live their best lives through the practice of intentional living.


  • I love to go on adventures with my family once in a while. It’s always a good choice to make something different plus my kid loves our little break inside the nature. Right now it’s a stressful period and I’m thinking of going to the seaside just to breath fresh air and relax my mind. Thanks for sharing this blog post.

  • Going for an adventure is important to our well being. People often decide they don’t have time for it, or something that can’t be afforded. Yet there are adventures that aren’t costly. All you need to do is take off somewhere where there is a good view, probably watch the sunset and you can bring your snacks! We all need something refreshing from time to time, just relax and destress.

  • I like this, this post came in the moment I feel it’s time to let go and truly free myself. Give myself a break and actually enjoy the things I’ve always wanted to do. Right now, I just need that break to go for a massage and enjoy the serenity of the beach

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