
How Cozy Minimalism Can Transform Your Home

Cozy Minimalist Living Rooms and Bedrooms

Living room for cozy minimalist living room

Cozy Minimalism

With every fiber of my being, I feel like your home should be your sanctuary. It’s the one place where you can truly relax, unwind, and enjoy the simple, quiet joys of life.

Homes are meant to be safe, clean, comfortable, and inviting places not overstuffed, cluttered, and stressful places.

But when many people hear the word minimalism, they automatically think of a house with bare walls, bare floors, and bare furniture.

The good news is that modern minimalist homes are very different than what many people have in mind.

Minimalist homes these days are not cold, empty, and uncomfortable places. In fact, modern minimalist homes are warm, furnished, and cozy places both inside and out.

So what is cozy minimalism?

Cozy minimalism is all about creating a home that is luxuriously comfortable and centered around the items that you truly love without having a lot of extra stuff that you don’t need lying around. Cozy minimalism is a type of minimalism that focuses on both comfort and simplicity within your home.

Cozy Minimalist Home

In a cozy minimalist home, you have everything you need for your household to run smoothly and to provide you with comfort and warmth. A cozy minimalist home is centered around storing only what you want and need without being weighed down with clutter and untidiness.

So how is this different than any other home?

The most noticeable difference is that there’s nothing ‘extra’ in a cozy minimalist house.

For example, in a cozy minimalist home, every time you consider buying something new, you carefully scrutinize the decision to determine if you truly need to add this item to your household.

  • Is it something you will use regularly?
  • Is there a place where you can easily store it without having to just cram it somewhere?
  • Is it a quality item that you will not need to replace in a short amount of time?

If the item fails to meet any of your expectations for it, you simply don’t buy it, and you wait to find an item that does meet your expectations.

And when you do make the decision to purchase a new item for your home, it’s always a wise decision to immediately find an item you already own that no longer meets your needs and either sell or donate it.

By constantly decluttering, it never feels like a massive chore that you have to waste a whole day or weekend on.

There’s nothing worse than spending an entire week working for someone else, just to spend the weekend cleaning out the garage, closets, or basement. Nights and weekends are meant to be spent relaxing and doing things you truly enjoy.

And that’s how cozy minimalism can transform your home too.

Once you adopt a cozy minimalist lifestyle, your home becomes a source of happiness instead of a source of stress.

With so many of us buying bigger homes than what we need, filling them to the brim with items that we don’t even use, and then renting storage units on top of that, we are overstressed, overworked, and full of anxiety.

So let’s take back our homes, be intentional with our decor, and create a restful sanctuary for ourselves.

Just like many of you, I have two young children who run around like little tornadoes leaving a wake of toys, craft items, and dishes behind them, and a fiance who seems to wear a hundred pairs of socks in one day, and then throw them all over the floor.

We’re the traditional family in every sense.

The difference in a home with minimalist design is that after we tidy up, our closets are not overflowing, our drawers shut smoothly, and our storage area is a few organized totes on a shelf instead of an entire room packed full of scattered, dusty boxes and bins.

You truly don’t need many of the items in your house. And if you feel overwhelmed or stressed when you’re at home, take a look around and decide if your house may be the cause of those feelings.

  • Do you have too much furniture crammed into each room?
  • Are there so many things lying around that you have nowhere to store them?
  • Do you have boxes and bins to hold onto items that you never get out of storage?
  • Do you have packed closets full of clothes that don’t even fit you anymore?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, set a goal to implement a cozy minimalist design in your home so that you can truly relax and enjoy your downtime.

Make a plan where you declutter one section of a room at a time. You can easily handle projects in small chunks without feeling completely overwhelmed and stressed out.

When I notice things have started to pile up, I tell everyone in my family to pick five things to sell or donate.

My kids have actually learned to really enjoy this task because we’ve had many conversations about other families who don’t have as much as we do and how they’re blessing other children with their gently used toys and clothes. It makes them feel good to help others.

Sometimes we even make a game out of it by setting a timer, running around grabbing items, and declaring a winner who then gets to choose a movie to watch or a game to play as a whole family. Anything can be fun when you make a game out of it.

It doesn’t take a massive effort to transform your home through cozy minimalism just small, intentional steps. And the rewards are great.

Your life should not be work all day trip over toys and shove things into closets by night.

Get rid of the clutter, and you will also get rid of the stress that you didn’t even realize was building up every time you walk into your overstuffed home.

Cozy Minimalist Living Room

An important room to start with is your living room.

A cozy minimalist living room is a comfortable place where you can enjoy relaxation and the inviting atmosphere it provides to your guests. Cozy minimalist living rooms are clean, tidy, organized, and peaceful spaces where you can enjoy time alone or time with those you love.

Here are the essential household goods you need for a cozy minimalist living room:

  • Comfortable furniture
  • Soft blankets
  • Soft pillows
  • Soft area rug
  • A coffee or end table
  • Few decor pieces that you love

Anything else is extra. And although having a few extra items that you love is perfectly okay, you just want to make sure that every item has a specific purpose, and it isn’t just collecting dust.

Remember, cozy minimalist living rooms don’t need a lot of extra stuff to make them feel special.

Cozy Minimalist Bedroom

Bedrooms are another important room to tackle in your home.

A cozy minimalist bedroom is designed to give you peace and help you get the rest that your body truly needs. Cozy minimalist bedrooms should be a relaxing space with your ultimate comfort in mind.

Here are the essential household goods you need for a cozy minimalist bedroom:

  • Sturdy bed frame
  • Comfortable mattress
  • Soft bedding
  • Soft pillows
  • Bedside table
  • Few decor pieces that you love

Again, having a few extra pieces is perfectly acceptable in a cozy minimalist bedroom design. It’s all about creating a space where you can relax and sleep well because your bedroom is furnished appropriately and you don’t have too much stuff lying about.

Remember, a minimalist home doesn’t have to mean white walls, one stiff couch, and one set of dishware.

You can have a beautiful, comfortable home with gorgeous decor without all of the extras that our consumerist society tells you that you need.

Create your cozy minimalist sanctuary today, save more money, and live freely and love your life.


Photo link to an article titled "Creating a Minimalist Home: The Beginner’s Guide"
Photo link to an article titled "30 Spooky Scary Halloween Decor Ideas You Must See"
Photo link to an article titled "45 Classic Fall Decor Ideas Your Whole Family Will Love"
Photo link to an article titled "45 Cozy Winter Decor Ideas For Your Entire Home"
Photo link to an article titled "45 Lovely Spring Decor Ideas You’re Sure to Love This Season"
Photo link to an article titled "45 Fresh Summer Decor Ideas For Every Room In Your Home"

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What do you think about cozy minimalism? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

the authorBrooke
Brooke Ressell is a lifestyle expert and the Founder of Blue to Bliss. She is passionate about helping others live their best lives through the practice of intentional living.


  • Fantastic post Brooke! This is exactly my take – I feel like it’s halfway between minimalism and hygge. A comfy place to sit plus a real cozy blanket is what I’m all about. Thank you – I loved the photos as well.

  • I am definitely one of those with cupboards and drawers that won’t close properly, and with things strewn in corners of my room or shelves because “I can never find the space to store them.” Gahhh I really ought to be more brutal in my annual decluttering. Thanks for sharing this post. I am definitely all for minimalism!

  • Excellent post and I am all on board with minimalism. To me it’s a perfect complement to FIRE and I think in a lot of ways FIRE is financial minimalism. Like in minimalism, in FIRE you reduce your spending down to the things you truly care about; the rest of your income goes into savings.

    It’s funny how I watch my parents go through these decluttering sessions over and over, constantly getting rid of things, yet they seem perplexed that I don’t automatically want the things they’re giving away or that of other relatives. They just never seem to quite make the connection haha

    Buying my house was an interesting journey in minimalism as it was somewhat cluttered in some areas once I bought it, such as the garage. Some of that was good – I didn’t have to go buy rakes and shovels and such. But there also is a ton of trinkets and doodads I simply don’t want. The environmentalist in me doesn’t want to simply throw these things away but that means there is now real work attached to their removal. Sigh.

    Well, thanks again for this great post and keep up the good work!

    • I love this comment! I feel the exact same way. We have a relative who brings us random presents every time we see her. It’s really sweet, but we do not want or need anything, and she does not understand why we keep asking her to stop bringing things. It’s not one present each, it is multiple presents per person so it really adds up.

  • I love this post! My mom tries to make space in her house. I started organizing my stuff during this lockdown period and decluttering is the hardest task. Living a minimalist life is great! Thanks for sharing.

    • I am convinced minimalism leads to less stress and more happiness. No one wants to spend all of their free time cleaning and maintaining a cluttered home. Thanks for your comment.

  • We’re trying to do this with our house at the moment – we have so much stuff (and it’s all very eclectic) but I feel so much happy in a space with less crammed into it. However I also really need the coziness so nice to see someone promoting both cozy and minimalistic at the same time!

    • That’s great. I hope you find the perfect balance soon. It’s important to get rid of clutter so you have less maintenance and stress, but I don’t think houses should be barren and cold either.

  • Yep, this is a post I can wholeheartedly relate to. We have transition slowly into a minimalist way of life. At some point, after having 3 kids we felt like we were drowning in things. It felt good to get rid of the extra “weight” by adopting this way of life. Also, we currently live in a tiny house so minimalism happened even without our intention:)

    • That is really cool. I bought a smaller house after my divorce and people keep asking when we are going to upgrade. We’re not. We love the simplicity and not wasting all of our time maintaining a bigger house. You describe it perfectly by saying drowning in things. That is exactly what it feels like. Enjoy your tiny house and simple living!

  • Over the holidays I tasked myself with organizing my closets. I was able to donate a bunch of stuff and declutter. My house feels so much and I wish I had done it sooner!

  • I want to be a minimalist because I think it looks clean but I have a lot of stuff. My books alone. Plus I’m really messy but I’m hoping to set a goal to change all that in the coming decade. I say decade because I know it’s not going to be easily done in a year.

    • You’ve got this. Just take it one small project at a time. And keep what you truly love. You should feel comfortable and happy in your home, so make it exactly what you want.

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